Tick Control for Your Backyard
Over the past year, the backyard transformed into a valued space for people to relax and embrace the much-needed fresh air and sunlight. Every Texan is aware of the wide variety of bugs and invasive pests that inhabit our beautiful state. However, the same reoccurring issue emerges for most homeowners: How to keep bugs, specifically ticks, away?
There are many proactive ways to address the tick population throughout your property. Keeping grass short, removing tall weeds, collecting fallen leaves, bagging grass clippings, and deterring tick-carrying animals from entering your property are all DIY ways to decrease the chance of ticks entering your space. These methods are not 100% effective, and many Texans continue to seek a more reliable solution.
Protecting Your Pet From Ticks
As much as no one wants to find a tick anywhere on their body, many pet owners are more concerned with their dog or cat picking up a tick while outdoors– For good reason too!
Various species of “wood ticks” native to Texas can cause secondary infections and tick-borne diseases like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease, and Tularemia. Reported cases also show people and pets alike suffering from “tick paralysis” which describes the total paralysis effect a tick bite located on the back of the neck has on the nervous system until removed.
The longer a tick stays attached to its host (gross, right?), the higher the chances are that any number of these tickborne diseases can turn fatal. Long-hair breeds are especially at risk because locating a tick is not obvious by any means. The physical harm these parasites can inflict is precisely why many pet owners also look for lawn care treatment in addition to their pet’s flea and tick medication.
When to Apply Tick Control Treatment
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), applying a pesticide during a specific window of time will achieve the best outcome. Timing is an influencing variable because it is dictated by where you live. The Lone Star Tick, one species of wood tick, has a specific lifecycle in a year. Timing the tick control application to coincide with a particular stage within that life cycle will have a more influential impact versus randomly treating your lawn. In Texas, the best months to target wood ticks are between March and October.
Higher Ground Lawn Care & Lighting has the education and training to help create a tick-free space around your home. We understand the importance of proper application and offer treatments that are safe to use around pets. Experience why your neighbors and businesses in University Park, TX & surrounding areas choose Higher Ground Lawn Care & Lighting to bring their property to the next level. Contact Us at (682) 206-3596 or check out our website today.
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