Lawn Care Solutions to Diminish Exposure to Fleas
Fleas are a valid concern for pet owners year-round, however, fleas begin to become more of a headache in the summer months. Fleas thrive in hot and humid weather, so they begin to be more active as early in the year as March and remain that way until October. Many pet owners rely on tick and flea medication to keep their pets safe. Proper lawn care and treatment will greatly help diminish exposure to fleas for yourself and your pets around your property.
To make your lawn a less appealing environment to fleas, you can do several things.
Keep Your Lawn Clear: Yes, fleas like hot weather, but they severely dislike sunlight. Fleas prefer shade and dark. By keeping trees around your lawn pruned, you will be removing shady spots around your yard for fleas to locate themselves.
Maintain Proper Grass Height: There is a proper balance when cutting your grass. High grass provides shady coverage for fleas to settle within, but grass cut too low keeps spiders and ants away—the insects that eat fleas!
Deter Wildlife: By keeping deer, raccoons, foxes, squirrels, and other wildlife away from your yard, you are preventing another channel that will literally walk fleas into your yard.
Do Not Overwater: If you are having a particularly rainy week or month, DO NOT WATER YOUR LAWN. Fleas love moisture. Lawns only need about 2 inches of water per week to thrive. When you overwater, you are no longer helping your grass grow, rather, you are attracting fleas.
Professional Lawn Care Treatments: When in doubt, a professional lawn treatment will be highly effective in preventing fleas and other unwanted insects from inhabiting your yard.
A common myth is that fleas can only live in carpeting. Fleas prefer to burrow in carpet, but they do not need carpeting to survive. They are fully capable of living between wood floorboards or pitted areas of tile. Making sure you are actively keeping fleas away from your home will save you time, energy, and frustration down the line.
Higher Ground Lawn Care and Lighting are ready to take your property to a higher level. Our applicators are all fully licensed by the Texas Dept. of Agriculture. Go into this summer with the confidence of knowing your lawn is protected. Experience why your neighbors and businesses in University Park, TX & surrounding areas choose Higher Ground Lawn Care & Lighting to bring their property to the next level. Contact Us at (682) 206-3596 or check out our website today.
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