Is My Lawn Safe For My Pet?
As ignorant as humans generally are towards the environment, we imagine that you being here reading this blog right now means that you are not. Although it is obvious in our daily lives when we stop to look, many people forget that we share this space with so much wildlife. Everything from insects to deer play a crucial role in the ecosystem. We love some of these animals so much that we have domesticated them and brought them into our families to serve as pets. Like any other animal, there are always threats to our pets in the outdoors. This is why we keep them in our homes, and usually our lawns. However, we often fail to question the safety of our own lawns for our pets. In this blog, we will help you determine if your lawn is a safe place for your pet, and how to improve safety if not.
Potential Lawn Threats to Pets
We totally understand why it would come as a surprise to anyone that their lawn is not safe for their pets. After all, you might look out back and see a beautiful yard fenced in to keep out any potential threats. Unfortunately, many of the threats to our pets are unseen and invisible to the human eye. The first threat to your lawn is pests. Fleas and ticks are both parasites that can make a home on your pets and be hard to get rid of especially if they are brought indoors. It is for this exact reason that the second threat to your pets is established. To get rid of lawn pests, many homeowners use insecticides or pesticides on their turf to prevent pests from taking over. Like other chemical applications including fungicides and herbicides used to treat lawn disease and lawn weeds respectively, they can be harmful to your pets if applied and stored incorrectly.
Use of Chemical Applications
While pests themselves can be harmful to your pets, the potential ramifications of chemical ingestion are much worse. In terms of application, you are generally relying on a landscaping company, and their actual technicians to properly perform your specific application. If you are doing this DIY, you run even more risk. To be clear there is always a chance that the application is performed improperly. If you choose to use a company that continuously recommends chemical treatments as the first option, you could have a problem. Pets should always be kept away from areas of application, during and after, until dry which depends on current weather conditions at the time. At Higher Ground, we only use chemical applications when necessary and safely in the manner they are intended, preferring to rely on our organic options.
Keeping Lawn Safe for Pets
The number one way to keep your pets safe is to prevent the need for chemical applications in the first place. A healthy well-maintained lawn using organics will help prevent but for some pests, it is best to be preventative due to their nature and the damaging problems they can bring. Again, a healthy lawn will be well-defended against disease, pests, and weeds. However, when the time comes make sure you choose wisely who you hire and what you do, be sure your lawn is safe for your pet.
Higher Ground Lawn Care and Lighting is ready to take your property to a higher level. Experience why your neighbors and businesses in University Park, TX & surrounding areas trust Higher Ground Lawn Care & Lighting with their properties. Give us a call at (682) 206-3596 or check out our website today.
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